Prophetic Biography in the Encyclopaedia Britannica
السيرة النبوية في دائرة المعارف البريطانية
Maison d'édition
مجمع الملك فهد لطباعة المصحف الشريف بالمدينة المنورة
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Prophetic Biography in the Encyclopaedia Britannica
Walid bin Blihish Al-Omari d. Unknownالسيرة النبوية في دائرة المعارف البريطانية
Maison d'édition
مجمع الملك فهد لطباعة المصحف الشريف بالمدينة المنورة
(١) Agriculture had been developed by several Jewish clans، who had settled among the original Arabs، and they still had the best lands. (٢) The emigrants (muhajirun، the men from Mecca) were at first guests of brother Muslims in Medina، but Muhammad cannot have contemplated this situation continuing indefinitely. (٣) He also made a minor disturbance an excuse for expelling the Jewish clan، which ran the market (٤) And another Jewish clan was expelled from Medina. (٥) After the siege of Medina، Muhammad attacked the Jewish clan of Qurayzah، which had probably been intriguing against him. When they surrendered، the men were all executed and the women and children sold as slaves.
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