La vérité: une très courte introduction

Hiba Cabd Caziz Ghanim d. 1450 AH

La vérité: une très courte introduction

الحقيقة: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


Consciousness Explained (Penguin, 1991).

A description of Libet’s experiments aimed at a general readership can be found in chapter 2 of his

Mind Time: The Temporal Factor in Consciousness (Harvard University Press, 2004).

The 'timeless’ theory described at the end of the chapter is due to Julian Barbour and is explained in detail in his book

The End of Time: The Next Revolution in Our Understanding of the Universe (Phoenix, 1999). A highly informative review of this book and a discussion of many related issues by Jeremy Butterfield was published in the

British Journal for the

, 53 (2002): 289-330. An extended version of this piece is available at .

مصادر الصور

(1-1) National Sleep Foundation. (1-2) Illustration by Reynold Brown. (1-3) Courtesy of Yukon Archives. (1-5) © Christie’s Images/The Bridgeman Art Library. (1-6) © 2011 The M. C. Escher Company, Holland. All rights reserved/

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