Philosophie de la biologie : Une très courte introduction
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Philosophie de la biologie : Une très courte introduction
Cumar Majid d. 1450 AHفلسفة علم الأحياء: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Society B , vol. 205, 1979. A special issue of the journal
Biology and
2009 contains papers re-assessing Gould and Lewontin’s critique on the thirtieth anniversary of its publication.
الفصل الرابع: مستويات الانتخاب
of selection include Elizabeth Lloyd’s article 'Units and levels of selection’ in the online
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy , and Samir Okasha’s
Evolution and the Levels of Selection (Oxford University Press, 2006). George Williams’s critique of group selection is found in his
Adaptation and Natural Selection (Princeton University Press, 1966), and discussed by Elliott Sober in
The Nature of Selection (University of Chicago Press, 1984). Hamilton’s original papers on kin selection/inclusive fitness are reprinted in his collection
Narrow Roads of Gene Land
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