Engels : une très courte introduction
إنجلز: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Friedrich Engels: His Contributions to Political Theory (Vision Press, London, 1968; Philosophical Library, New York, 1967).
Engels, Manchester and the Working Class
by Steven Marcus (Random House, New York, 1974) presents an analysis of the work from a literary point of view. Engels’s early works on British politics feature in Michael Levin,
The Condition of England Question: Carlyle, Mill, Engels (Macmillan, London, and St Martin’s, New York, 1998). His late work
The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
has become a classic of Marxistfeminism and gender studies; see Janet Sayers, Mary Ann Evans, Naneke Redclift (eds.),
Engels Revisited: New Feminist Essays (Tavistock, London, 1987), and two articles by Terrell Carver, 'Engels’s Feminism’,
History of Political Thought , 6/3 (1985), 479-89, and 'Theorizing Men in Engels’s
Origin of the Family ’,
Masculinities , 2/1 (1994), 67-77. There are two recent edited volumes offering critical discussions of a wide range of topics that Engels was concerned with: Christopher J. Arthur (ed.),
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