Scientifiques européennes en chimie
عالمات أوروبيات في الكيمياء
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Scientifiques européennes en chimie
Hiba Cabd Caziz Ghanim d. 1450 AHعالمات أوروبيات في الكيمياء
Cattell, J. (1980)
American Men of Science. A Biographical Directory , 9th edn, vol. I. Physical Sciences, The Science Press, Lancaster, PA - R. R. Bowker Company, New York, p. 1637.
Hevesy, G. and Róna, E. (1915) Die lösungsgeschwindigkeit der molekularen schichten. (Solution velocity of molecular layers)
Z. Phys. Chem.,
89, 294.
Makra, Z. (1997) Róna Erzsébet, in
Hungarian Scientists’ Encyclopedia from A to Z , BETTER-MTESZ-OMIKK, pp. 684-685.
atomelmélet. (Radioactivity and the chemical theory of the atom. Crisis of the views on material structure in the chemistry of the early 20th century in Hungary.)
Akadémiai Kiadó.
Akadémiai Kiadó , Budapest, 69-73.
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