Les armes nucléaires : une très courte introduction
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Les armes nucléaires : une très courte introduction
Mohamed Fathi Khidr d. 1450 AHالأسلحة النووية: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Arms Control and Military Preparedness from Truman to Bush (Peter Lang, 1993); and Robin Ranger,
Arms and Politics, 1958-1978: Arms Control in a Changing
(Gage, 1979). Kennedy’s creation of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency is described by Duncan L. Clarke,
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (Free Press, 1979).
The debate over nuclear testing and negotiation of the limited test ban treaty are detailed in Robert Divine,
Blowing on the Wind: The Nuclear Test Ban Debate, 1954-1960 (Oxford University
Kennedy, Khrushchev and the Test Ban (University of California Press, 1981); Kendrick Oliver,
Kennedy, Macmillan, and the Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (St Martin’s Press, 1998); and William R. Cleave and S. T. Cohen,
Nuclear Weapons, Policies, and the Test Ban Issues (Praeger, 1987).
For the Reagan years and arms control, see Strobe Talbott,
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