La Religion de Rousseau (3 vols, Paris, 1916), although Ronald Grimsley’s more modest
Rousseau and the Religious Quest (Oxford, 1968) is also helpful. On Rousseau’s ideas of sexuality, Allan Bloom’s
Love and Friendship (New York, 1993) addresses the miraculous metamorphosis of sex into love by way of the imagination, while Joel Schwartz’s
The Sexual Politics of Rousseau (Chicago, 1984) identifies two distinct lines of argument about sexual difference in his writings, a subject further pursued from a critical theorist’s perspective by Judith Still in
Justice and Difference in the Works of Rousseau (Cambridge, 1993). Henri Guillemin, in
Un homme, deux ombres (Jean-Jacques - Julie - Sophie) (Geneva, 1943), offers a lyrical account of Rousseau’s passion for Sophie d’Houdetot.
Jean-Louis Lecercle provides a particularly sensitive reading of
La Nouvelle Héloïse
Rousseau et l’art du roman (Paris, 1969), and the novel is also subjected to close analysis by Lionel Gossman, in 'The Worlds of
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