فلسفة علم الأحياء: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
فلسفة علم الأحياء: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
70, 2003. The widespread consensus that species do not have essences is challenged by Michael Devitt in 'Resurrecting biological essentialism’,
75, 2008. The Linnaean classification system is discussed in Marc Ereshefsky’s
The Poverty of the Linnaean Hierarchy (Cambridge University Press, 2001). A useful introduction to phylogenetic systematics is found in David Hull’s 'Contemporary systematic philosophies’, in E. Sober (ed.)
Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Biology (MIT Press, 2008).
الفصل السادس: الجينات
Evelyn Fox Keller’s
The Century of the Gene (Harvard University Press, 2000) discusses genetics in historical perspective. Paul Griffiths’ and Karola Stotz’s
Genetics and Philosophy (Cambridge University Press, 2013) offers a broad overview of philosophical issues in genetics. Philip Kitcher’s article '1953 and all that’, in
The Philosophical Review
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