معماهای تاریخی حیرت‌انگیز: بررسی هیجان‌انگیز در مورد پرابهام‌ترین وقایع در طول زمان

شیما طه ریدی d. 1450 AH

معماهای تاریخی حیرت‌انگیز: بررسی هیجان‌انگیز در مورد پرابهام‌ترین وقایع در طول زمان

ألغاز تاريخية محيرة: بحث مثير في أكثر الأحداث غموضا على مر الزمن


A Forest of Kings (New York: William Morrow, 1990). Based on their translations of the writings at various Mayan centers, Schele and Friedel present the histories of a number of dynasties. The kings emerge as both sophisticated and brutal .

Michael Coe,

Breaking the Maya Code (London: Thames & Hudson, 1992). Coe turns the incredibly technical story of the deciphering into a narrative that’s understandable and dramatic, even a bit gossipy .

Jeremy Sabloff and John Henderson, eds.,

Lowland Maya Civilization in the Eighth Century (Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, 1993). A collection of papers from a 1989 conference that included many of the leading thinkers and theories .

Gene and George Stuart,

Lost Kingdoms of the Maya (Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1993). A lavishly illustrated view of the Maya by a husband-and-wife team of archaeologists. The Stuarts’ son, David, who first visited Mesoamerica at age three, later became a leading scholar of Mayan anthropology .

David Hodell, Jason Curtis, and Mark Brenner, “Possible Role of Climate in the Collapse of Classic Maya Civilization,”

Nature (June 1995). The case for drought .

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