Historia Económica Mundial: Una Introducción Muy Corta
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Historia Económica Mundial: Una Introducción Muy Corta
Muhammad Sacd Tantawi d. 1450 AHالتاريخ الاقتصادي العالمي: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Explorations in Economic History , 42 (2005): 349-80.
الفصل الثالث: الثورة الصناعية
Robert C. Allen,
The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2009).
Joel Mokyr,
The Enlightened Economy: An Economic History of Britain, 1700-1850 (Yale University Press, 2010) offers another interpretation as well as a wide-ranging survey of issues.
Nick Crafts,
British Economic Growth during the Industrial Revolution (Clarendon
Jane Humphries,
Childhood and Child Labour in the British Industrial Revolution (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
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