Ragnarok: El fin de los dioses
راجناروك: نهاية الآلهة
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Ragnarok: El fin de los dioses
Sara Taha Callam d. 1450 AHراجناروك: نهاية الآلهة
Boyer, Régis,
Yggdrasill. La réligion des anciens Scandinaves . (Paris: Bibliothèque historique Payot, 1981, 1992) Authoritative and imaginative.
Cooke, Deryck,
I Saw the World End. A Study of Wagner’s Ring . (London: Clarendon
uncompleted study of Wagner’s operas is full of interesting ideas and information about the myths and Wagner’s use of them.
Nietzsche, Friedrich,
The Birth of Tragedy and The Genealogy of Morals , trans. Francis Golffing. (New York: Anchor Books, 1956)
Die Geburt der Tragödie
was first published in Germany in 1872.
O’Donoghue, Heather,
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