Dadaísmo y surrealismo: una introducción muy corta

Henry Chadwick d. 1450 AH

Dadaísmo y surrealismo: una introducción muy corta

الدادائية والسريالية: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


The Avant Garde in Exhibition (Abrams, 1994). On Arthur Cravan see Roger Conover

et al., Four Dada Suicides (Atlas, 1995). For Marcel Duchamp the standard biography is Calvin Tomkins,

Duchamp: A Biography (Chatto &; Windus, 1997) but see also Dawn Ades, Neil Cox, and David Hopkins,

Marcel Duchamp (Thames &; Hudson, 1999).

The best monograph on Salvador Dalí is Dawn Ades,

Dalí (Thames &; Hudson, 1982). Aspects of the last two sections are indebted to Robin Walz,

(University of California Press, 2000); Sherwin Simons, 'Advertising Seizes Control of Life ...’,

Oxford Art Journal,

22/1 (1999); and Roger Cardinal, 'Soluble City’,

Architectural Design,

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