Científicas europeas en química

Hiba Cabd Caziz Ghanim d. 1450 AH

Científicas europeas en química

عالمات أوروبيات في الكيمياء


Ficini, J. and Pouliquen, J. (1971) Cycloaddition of ynamines with carbon dioxide. Route to diamides of allenes-1,3 dicarboxylic acids.

J. Am. Chem. Soc.,

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Ficini, J., d’Angelo, J. and Noiré, J. (1974) Stereospecific synthesis of D,L juvabione.

J. Am. Chem. Soc.,

96 (4), 1212-1214;

Ficini, J., Desmaele, D., Touzin, A. M. and Guingant, A. (1983) Synthèse totale et stéréosélective du p-tolylsulfonylméthyl-8 Des-AB-cholestene.

Tetrahedron Lett.,

24 (30), 3083-3086.

Ficini, J., Guingant, A. and d’Angelo, J. (1979) A Stereoselective Synthesis of (+/-) dihydroantirhine.

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