Científicas europeas en química
عالمات أوروبيات في الكيمياء
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Científicas europeas en química
Hiba Cabd Caziz Ghanim d. 1450 AHعالمات أوروبيات في الكيمياء
Creative Couples in the Sciences (eds H. M. Pycior, N. G. Slack and p. G. Abir-Am), Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, pp. 170-181.
Lonsdale, K. (1970) Women in science: reminiscences and reflections.
Impact of Science on Society,
20, pp. 54-55.
Lonsdale, K. (1964)
I believe ... Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Rayner-Canham, M and Rayner-Canham, G. (2008)
Chemistry Was Their Life: Pioneer British Women Chemists, 1880-1949 , Imperial College Press, London.
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