El mundo de Alejandro Magno
عالم الإسكندر الأكبر
In volume II in the series, the authors describe the development of the state and its difficulties in surviving.
Siganidou, M. and M. Lilimpaki-Akamati. 2003.
Athens: Ministry of Culture.
Another publication by the Greek Ministry of Culture in format and quality akin to that on Vergina, cited above.
Touratsoglou, I. 2004.
Macedonia: History, Monuments, Museums.
Athens: Ekdotike Athenon SA.
Because the archaeological finds in Macedonia are recent, it is not easy to find useful compendia. This is an excellently full source. (4) الأرغيون
Borza, E. N. 1982. Athenians, Macedonians, and the Origins of the Macedonian Royal House.
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