Sin Ataduras
بلا قيود: تقنيات حررت البشر ودفعتهم لحافة الهاوية
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Sin Ataduras
George Orwell d. 1450 AHبلا قيود: تقنيات حررت البشر ودفعتهم لحافة الهاوية
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
83, no 2 (2005): 137-146.
Armstrong, John A.
Nations Before Nationalism.
Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1982.
Atkinson, Nancy. “A Conversation with Jim Lovell, Part 2: Looking Back.”
Universe Today , September 27, 2010. part-2-looking-back (accessed June 6, 2012).
Ashton, Nick, Simon G. Lewis, Simon A. Parfitt, Kirsty E. H. Penkman, and G. Russell Coope. “New Evidence for Complex Climate Change in MIS 11 from Hoxne, Suffolk, UK.”
Quaternary Science Review
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