Alemania Nazi: Un estudio en la historia contemporánea de Europa (1939-1945)

Muhammad Fuad Shukri d. 1392 AH

Alemania Nazi: Un estudio en la historia contemporánea de Europa (1939-1945)

ألمانيا النازية: دراسة في التاريخ الأوروبي المعاصر (١٩٣٩–١٩٤٥)


Sturmthal, A. The Tragedy of European Labour 1918-1939. London 1944. (41)

Theimer, W. An A B C of International Affairs. London 1940. (42)

Tissier, Lt. Col. Pierre. The Government of Vichy. London 1942. (43)

Treves, P. Italy Yesterday Today and Tomorrow London 1942. (44)

Ullmann, S. de. The Epic of the Finnish Nation. London 1944. (45)

Volpe, G. Histoire Du Mouvement Fascite. Roma (?) (46)

Ward, B. Italian Foreign Policy. Oxford 1941. (47)

Waterfield, G. What Happened to France. Londen 1941. (48)

Weaver, D. Front Page Europe. London 1943. (49)

Werner, M. The Battle For The World. London 1941. (50)

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