Enigmas históricos desconcertantes: una investigación fascinante sobre los eventos más misteriosos a través del tiempo
ألغاز تاريخية محيرة: بحث مثير في أكثر الأحداث غموضا على مر الزمن
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Enigmas históricos desconcertantes: una investigación fascinante sobre los eventos más misteriosos a través del tiempo
Shayma Taha Raydi d. 1450 AHألغاز تاريخية محيرة: بحث مثير في أكثر الأحداث غموضا على مر الزمن
and Sidney’s
Arcadia .
Mark Twain,
Is Shakespeare Dead? (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1909). Twain was actually as concerned with the general question of literary immortality (including his own) as he was with Shakespeare’s. But he’s always delighted to insult the experts, whom he calls “these Stratfordolators, these Shakesperiods, these tugs, these bangalores, these troglodytes, these herumfordites, these blatherskites, these buccaneers, these bandoleers ...”
Edwin Durning-Lawrence,
Bacon Is Shakespeare (New York: John McBride Company, 1910). Say what you will about Durning-Lawrence, he was a good loser. So confident was he that he’d solved the
problem that he offered a hundred guineas to anyone who came up with another anagram with the same qualities. A Mr. Beevor proposed Abi Inivit F. Bacon Histrio Ludit, which translated as “Be off, F. Bacon, The actor has entered and is playing.” Durning-Lawrence paid him the money .
J. Thomas Looney, “Shakespeare” Identified (New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1920). The Oxfordian Looney should not be confused with George Battey the Baconian .
Calvin Hoffman,
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