Usus Thaqafiyya Li Umam
الأسس الثقافية للأمم: الهرمية والعهد والجمهورية
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Usus Thaqafiyya Li Umam
Safiya Mukhtar d. 1450 AHالأسس الثقافية للأمم: الهرمية والعهد والجمهورية
Ethnic Groups in Conflict,
Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Horowitz, Donald (2002): “The Primordialists,” in Conversi (2002, 72-82).
Hosking, Geoffrey (1985):
A History of the Soviet Union,
London: Fontana
Hosking, Geoffrey (1993):
Empire and Nation in Russian History,
Baylor University, Waco, TX: Markham University Press.
Hosking, Geoffrey (1997):
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