Turath Klasiki Muqaddima Qasira
التراث الكلاسيكي: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
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Turath Klasiki Muqaddima Qasira
Muhammad Fathi Khidr d. 1450 AHالتراث الكلاسيكي: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Socratic Questions. The Philosophy of Socrates and its Significance (London, 1992).
Aristotle: G. E. R. Lloyd,
Aristotle: The Growth and Structure of his Thought (Cambridge, 1969).
History: Paul Cartledge,
The Greeks (Oxford, 1993); Fergus Millar and Erich Segal (eds.),
Caesar Augustus. Seven Aspects (Oxford, 1984).
Gladiators: Carlin A. Barton,
The Sorrows of the Ancient Romans. The Gladiator and the Monster (Princeton, 1993).
Fascism: Alec Scobie,
Hitler’s State Architecture: The Impact of Classical Antiquity (Pennsylvania, 1990).
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