Turath Klasiki Muqaddima Qasira
التراث الكلاسيكي: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
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Turath Klasiki Muqaddima Qasira
Muhammad Fathi Khidr d. 1450 AHالتراث الكلاسيكي: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
الفصل السابع
Bassae: Charles R. Cockerell,
The Temples of Jupiter Panhellenius at Aegina, and of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae near Phigaleia in Arcadia (London, 1860).
Temples and Religion: Louise Bruit Zaidman and Pauline Schmitt
Religion in the Ancient Greek City (Cambridge, 1992); Pat E. Easterling and John V. Muir (eds.),
Greek Religion and Society (Cambridge, 1985); Ken Dowden,
Religion and the Romans (Bristol, 1992).
Myth: Richard L. Gordon (ed.),
Myth, Religion and Society (Cambridge, 1981); Richard Buxton,
Imaginary Greece (Cambridge, 1994); J.-P. Vernant,
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