Tarikh Iqtisadi Calami Muqaddima Qasira

Muhammad Sacd Tantawi d. 1450 AH

Tarikh Iqtisadi Calami Muqaddima Qasira

التاريخ الاقتصادي العالمي: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


A Course of Experimental

(John Senex, 1734-44), Vol. II, pp. 464-5.

steam power and productivity growth: N. F. R. Crafts, 'Steam as a General Purpose Technology: A Growth Accounting

Economic Journal,

114 (495) (2004): 338-51.

الفصل الخامس: الإمبراطوريات العظمى

1812 costs in England and India: Edward Baines,

History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain (H. Fisher, R. Fisher, and P. Jackson, 1835), p. 353.

First Report from the Select Committee on the Affairs of the East India Company (China Trade) , UK, House of Commons, 1830 (644), evidence of Mr John Kennedy and Mr H. H. Birley, questions 4979-5041.

decline of weaving in Bihar: Amiya Kumar Bagchi, 'Deindustrialization in Gangetic Bihar, 1809-1901’, in Barun De (ed.),

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