Madina Fadila Cabr Tarikh
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Madina Fadila Cabr Tarikh
Catiyat Abu Sucud d. 1450 AHالمدينة الفاضلة عبر التاريخ
St Thomas Aquinas:
De Regimine
translated by Gerald B. Phelan, New York.
More, Thomas:
Libellus vere Aureus nec minus salutaris quam festivus de oplimo reip. statu deque nova Insula Vtopia,
Louvain, 1516.
Utopia: or, the best state of a republic weal,
first English translation by Ralph Robynson, 1551.
Sir Thomas More’s Utopia, in Ideal commonwealths,
edited with an introduction by Henry Morley, London, 1885.
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