Hadatha Muqaddima Qasira

Shayma Taha Raydi d. 1450 AH

Hadatha Muqaddima Qasira

الحداثة: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


Surrealism: Desire Unbound,

exh. cat. (London: Tate Publishing, 2001). On the irrationalist tradition in poetry, see Marjorie Perloff,

The Poetics of Indeterminacy: Rimbaud to Cage (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1981). On the influence of Dada, see Richard Sheppard,

Modernism, Dada, Postmodernism (Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 2000). On surrealism in England, see Michel Remy,

Surrealism in Britain (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999). On the history of the surrealist movement, see Gerard Duruzoi, tr. Alison Anderson,

History of the Surrealist Movement (Chicago and London: Chicago University Press, 2002).

الفصل الرابع: الحداثة والسياسة

For a study of Western Marxism, see the volume of that title by J. G. Merquior (London: Fontana, 1986), and for a study of the interaction of Marxism and modernism, see Eugene Lunn,

Marxism and Modernism (London: Verso, 1985). On the political reactions of British writers, see Valentine Cunningham,

British Writers of the Thirties (Oxford: Oxford University

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