Awghustinus Muqaddima Qasira
أوغسطينوس: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
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Awghustinus Muqaddima Qasira
Ahmad Muhammad Rubi d. 1450 AHأوغسطينوس: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Confessions (Oxford World’s Classics, 1992) and
The City of God (H. Bettenson, London, 1972, new ed. 1984). The best edition of the
is by A. Solignac (Paris, 1962) .
For biography without the theology see the excellent Life by
(Eng. tr., London, 1960); J. Burnaby,
Amor Dei (Norwich, 1995); G. Bonner,
Augustine, Life and Controversies (London, 1964, new ed. Norwich, 1986); E. TeSelle,
Augustine the Theologian (New York, 1970); R. A. Markus (ed.),
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