Asliha Nawawiyya Muqaddima Qasira
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Asliha Nawawiyya Muqaddima Qasira
Muhammad Fathi Khidr d. 1450 AHالأسلحة النووية: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Deadly Gambits: The Reagan Administration and the Stalemate in Nuclear Arms Control (Knopf, 1984); Kenneth L. Adelman,
The Great Universal Embrace: Arms Summitry, a Skeptic’s Account (Simon and Schuster, 1989); and Keith L. Shimko,
Images and Arms Control: Perceptions of the Soviet Union in the Reagan Administration (University of Michigan Press, 1991).
Also useful are Alexander L. George and Richard Smoke,
Deterrence in American Foreign Policy: Theory and
(Columbia University Press, 1974); Fred Kaplan,
The Wizards of Armageddon (Simon and Schuster, 1983); and Marc Trachtenberg,
History and Strategy (Princeton University Press, 1991).
الفصل السادس
Overviews include Richard Dean Burns and Lester H. Brune,
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