Latifa ʾAbd Allah :: Sayyid ʾAli Ismaʾil #Dirasah#
لطيفة عبد الله :: سيد علي إسماعيل #دراسة#
Latifa Cabd Allah was a distinguished scholar in the field of Islamic studies. She is best known for her comprehensive study on the life and teachings of Sayyid Ali Ismail. Her work is considered a critical resource for understanding the intricacies of Islamic jurisprudence and history. Through her scholarly pursuits, she contributed significantly to the academic discourse on Islamic theology, earning recognition for her depth of knowledge and analytical skills. Her writings continue to be refer...
Latifa Cabd Allah was a distinguished scholar in the field of Islamic studies. She is best known for her comprehensive study on the life and teachings of Sayyid Ali Ismail. Her work is considered a cr...