Fotiadis, M. 2001. Imagining Macedonia in Prehistory, ca. 1900-1930.
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology
14.2, 115-35.
In an unusual, but valuable, approach to the issues of Macedonian identity, the author maintains that the view of Macedonians as the antithesis of the Greeks emerged when research in the region expanded during the early twentieth century. While Greeks might have passed through Macedonia, they continued south and produced a different way of life.
Hall, J. 2001. Contested Ethnicities: Perceptions of Macedon within Evolving Definitions of Greek Identity. In I. Malkin (ed.),
Ancient Perceptions of Greek Ethnicity.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 159-86.
Useful picture of the ambiguities between ethnicity and the heroic claims of peoples in northern Greece upon the expanding colonization from southern Greece.
Hammond, N. G. L. and G. T. Griffith 1979.
A History of Macedonia II: 550-336 BC.
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