Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 33-51.
insightfully on Macedonian matters. In this essay he argues that Macedonians were not thought by others to be Greek, nor did they consider themselves to be Greek. A claim to Greek origins may have originated in the fifth or early fourth century, “a sorry time” for Macedonia.
Borza, E. N. 1996. Greeks and Macedonians in the Age of Alexander: The Source Traditions. In R.W.Wallace and E. M. Harris (eds.),
Transitions to Empire: Essays in Greco-Roman History, 360-146 B. C., in Honor of E. Badian.
Norman, OK and London: University of Oklahoma Press, 122-39.
Borza, E. N. 1999. Origins, Ethnicity, and Institutions. In
Before Alexander:
Constructing Early Macedonia.
Claremont, CA: Regina Books.
In this and numerous other publications, Professor Borza solidly defends the view that Greek and Macedonian ethnicities differ from one another in most respects: language, cultural practices, material culture, societal organization, economic way of life.
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