Kīlib Ifrit
كيليب إفريت
Zahra Sami was a distinguished scholar in the Islamic world, known for her profound contributions to Islamic studies. Her work spanned various aspects of the faith, including jurisprudence, theology, and history. Sami's writings, characterized by their depth and insight, have been instrumental in advancing the understanding of Islamic principles and practices. Her scholarly output includes both original works and critical commentaries on classical texts, making her a respected figure among her c...
Zahra Sami was a distinguished scholar in the Islamic world, known for her profound contributions to Islamic studies. Her work spanned various aspects of the faith, including jurisprudence, theology, ...
Tsharlz Darwīn: Ḥayātuhu wa-Khiṭābātuhu (al-Juzʾ al-Awwal): Maʿ Faṣl Sīra Dhātiyya bi-Qalam Tsharlz Darwīn
تشارلز داروين: حياته وخطاباته (الجزء الأول): مع فصل سيرة ذاتية بقلم تشارلز داروين
Kīlib Ifrit (d. 1450 AH)كيليب إفريت (ت. 1450 هجري)
al-Aʿdād wa-Bināʾ al-Insān: al-ʿAdad wa-Masār al-Ḥaḍārāt al-Insānīyah
الأعداد وبناء الإنسان: العد ومسار الحضارات الإنسانية
Kīlib Ifrit (d. 1450 AH)كيليب إفريت (ت. 1450 هجري)
Mabrahina Firman al-Akhira: al-Muʿḍila allati Hayyarat ʿAbāqirat al-Riyāḍiyyāt li-Qurūn
مبرهنة فيرما الأخيرة: المعضلة التي حيرت عباقرة الرياضيات لقرون
Kīlib Ifrit (d. 1450 AH)كيليب إفريت (ت. 1450 هجري)
Fī Zamaninā
في زمننا
Kīlib Ifrit (d. 1450 AH)كيليب إفريت (ت. 1450 هجري)
Ṣāniʿ al-Nujūm
صانع النجوم
Kīlib Ifrit (d. 1450 AH)كيليب إفريت (ت. 1450 هجري)