ʿAṭiyyāt Abū al-Suʿūd
عطيات أبو السعود
Catiyat Abu Sucud was a distinguished Islamic scholar and jurist. He is renowned for his profound contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and his ability to interpret Islamic law in ways that were innovative for his time. His works, which include extensive commentaries on the Quran and Hadith, have been studied by scholars and students of Islamic law for centuries. His expertise in the principles of Islamic jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh) and his insightful fatwas (legal opinions) have made him a re...
Catiyat Abu Sucud was a distinguished Islamic scholar and jurist. He is renowned for his profound contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and his ability to interpret Islamic law in ways that were inno...
al-Ḥiṣād al-Falsafī lil-Qarn al-ʿIshrīn: Wa-Buḥūth Falsafiyya Ukhrā
الحصاد الفلسفي للقرن العشرين : وبحوث فلسفية أخرى
•ʿAṭiyyāt Abū al-Suʿūd (d. 1450)
•عطيات أبو السعود (d. 1450)
1450 AH
al-Amal wa-al-Yutubiya fi Falsafat Irnist Blukh
الأمل واليوتوبيا في فلسفة إرنست بلوخ
•ʿAṭiyyāt Abū al-Suʿūd (d. 1450)
•عطيات أبو السعود (d. 1450)
1450 AH
al-Madīna al-Fāḍila ʿAbr al-Tārīkh
المدينة الفاضلة عبر التاريخ
•ʿAṭiyyāt Abū al-Suʿūd (d. 1450)
•عطيات أبو السعود (d. 1450)
1450 AH